IMPORTANT notices for Fordisc users:

If you tried to update from 3.1.316 and saw errors like "Field JM not found" or "The case file can't be found...", try the menu item Internet | Forced Update.
If the Forced Update does not work, follow the directions below to replace your FD3.exe file.

Fordisc PC users:

Windows 7, 8, 10 users

If you are not running Fordisc 3.1.316 yet:

1. Visit here (

2. Download the FD3.exe file and overwrite FD3.exe on your hard drive (usually in c:\program files (x86)\FORDISC3), start it, then do a forced update. Make sure the old file was replaced.

You should not have to run Fordisc in compatibility mode to update, but DO run the setup file and Fordisc as an administrator in order to update it.

In order to update Fordisc on a PC, users need to run Fordisc 3 as an Administrator. To do so, locate Fordisc 3 on the Start menu, or find the FD3.exe file on your computer. Right-click the application menu item or file, and then click Properties. In the Properties dialog box, click the Compatibility tab. Then do one of the following:

1. To apply the setting to the currently logged-on user ONLY, select the Run This Program As An Administrator check box, and then click OK.

2. To apply the setting to ALL users on the computer and regardless of which shortcut is used to start the application, click Change Setting For All Users to display the Properties dialog box for the FD3.exe file, select the Run This Program As An Administrator check box, and then click OK twice.

Fordisc USB users:

If you are not running Fordisc 3.1.316 yet:

1. Visit here (

2. Download the exe file and overwrite FD3.exe on your USB (in the Fordisc3 folder), start it, then do a forced update (Internet | Forced Update). Make sure the old file was replaced.

If you are running at least Fordisc 3.1.317:

Problem: Fordisc USB looks for FD3.exe on the C: drive

Occasionally there may be an error starting Fordisc USB with a message about trying to find FD3.exe on the C: drive.

NEW Solution (6/8/2022)

    Improvements to updating, especially USBs, were made with version 3.1.322. Just update Fordisc or run a forced update.

Older Solution (2/8/2021)

    To fix that error, you can update the program or run a forced update, but there is a faster way to fix it by editing the batch file on the USB.

1. Using File Explorer, navigate to your USB drive.

2. right-click "Run Fordisc 3.bat" and choose Edit.

3. replace the last two lines in the file:

cd \fordisc3


   with the two lines below (copying the lines below is the best thing to do):

START "Fordisc 3" %CD%Fordisc3\fd3.exe


4. save the file.

   The batch file will now call the program on the USB drive and then exit, so it does not hang around on your screen.

If Fordisc still does not start using the shortcut, simply double-click on \Fordisc3\FD3.exe file to start it.

NOTE: In some cases you may need to reboot your PC before updating Fordisc.

If you try to update and get an error message involving ACE32.DLL

you will need to download the two DLL files (click the link below) and copy them to your Fordisc directory, overwriting the files if they are there. Those files often must be deleted first, before saving the new files there. On PC installations, it is usually c:\program files\fordisc3\. In USB drives, it is the drive letter plus \Fordisc3\, for example, G:\Fordisc3\. Then run a Forced Update.

If you try to update and get a "Case Table: Error 7010" error message

you will need to download CaseTable.adt and CaseTable.adm (click the link below) and copy them to your Fordisc3\RefDBs\ directory. If those files are there already delete them first before saving the new files there. On PC installations, the directory is usually c:\program files\fordisc3\RefDBs\. In USB drives, it is the drive letter plus \Fordisc3\RefDbs\, for example, G:\Fordisc3\RefDbs\. Then run a Forced Update.

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Version 0.18